Dr. Aydin Bayramov

Surgeon - Phlebologist

Education and work experience
  • In 2005-2011, he graduated from the faculty of medicine of the Russian State Medical University in Ufa.
  • In 2011-2012, he completed an internship in General surgery at the clinical city hospital No. 6, Ufa.
  • 2014 ildə Sankt- Peterburg şəhərinin İnovasiyon Damar mərkəzində Parikov M.A rəhbərliyi altında Endovenoz Lazer Ablasiyası və skleroterapiya üzrə kurs keçmişdir.
  • In 2014, he completed a course on endovenous laser ablation and sclerotherapy at the Innovative Vascular Center of Saint Petersburg, under the supervision of M. A. Parikov.
  • 2015 completed a course on endovenous laser ablation and sclerotherapy in Turkey.
  • Since 2015, he has been working in the center for the treatment of varicose veins.

Watch the video about
Dr. Aidyn Bayramov

Other doctor

Vascular surgeon,
Head of the center
Surgeon - Phlebologist
Surgeon - Phlebologist
Surgeon - Phlebologist
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Azerbaijan, Baku,
15 AK. Hasan Aliyev str.,
Avrasiya Hospital, 2nd floor
Baku Phlebological Center